public: explicit Random(uint32_t s) : seed_(s & 0x7fffffffu) { //0x7fffffff u表示无符号 2^31-1 二进制 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 将第一位取0 ,因为无符号转化为有符号的时候头部位1 表示为负数 // 所以此处的主要目的是确保传入的s为正数,默认传入的seed初始值为0xdeadbeef 二进制为1101 1110 1010 1101 1011 1110 1110 1111 // Avoid bad seeds. if (seed_ == 0 || seed_ == 2147483647L) { seed_ = 1; } } uint32_tNext() { staticconstuint32_t M = 2147483647L; // 2^31-1 staticconstuint64_t A = 16807; // bits 14, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1, 0 //无符号64位二进制0100 0001 1010 0111 // We are computing // seed_ = (seed_ * A) % M, where M = 2^31-1 // // seed_ must not be zero or M, or else all subsequent computed values // will be zero or M respectively. For all other values, seed_ will end // up cycling through every number in [1,M-1] uint64_t product = seed_ * A; //26696993619177 二进制 High[000000 00000 0000 0000 1100 0010 0011 1] low [111 00000 1101 0010 0011 1100 1110 1001] //这里是计算Mod算法的一个优化,一个64为的数,可以分为高33 位和低31 位的数 // Compute (product % M) using the fact that ((x << 31) % M) == x. product=high<<31+low 又因为product=seed_*A,所以此时product=(high*M+high+low)%M 其中 M = 2^31-1 // 因为seed_ 和A 中,seed_的值在初始化的时候就让他小于2^31-1,A 是固定的16807,所以这两个值都不会大于M的值,所以取余最后的结果就等(high+low)%M=high+low,所以下面的这个计算是获取high和low的值相加,也就得到了seed_ // 但是有一种情况就是product的low为刚好但是 2^31-1,这个时候product=(high*M+high+1*M)%M=high ,但是使用下面的结果会是high+M,因为M&M=M。所以,需要判断是否seed_ 比M大,然后前去M,直接使用high,也确保了seed的值一直小于M // 最后强制转换为32位的值 seed_ = static_cast<uint32_t>((product >> 31) + (product & M)); // High+low [000000 00000 0000 0000 1100 0010 0011 1]+[111 00000 1101 0010 0011 1100 1110 1001] & [111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111] // The first reduction may overflow by 1 bit, so we may need to // repeat. mod == M is not possible; using > allows the faster // sign-bit-based test. if (seed_ > M) { seed_ -= M; } return seed_; } // 在[0,n-1]之间返回随机数 // Returns a uniformly distributed value in the range [0..n-1] // REQUIRES: n > 0 uint32_tUniform(int n) { return Next() % n; } // n分之一的概率返回true // Randomly returns true ~"1/n" of the time, and false otherwise. // REQUIRES: n > 0 boolOneIn(int n) { return (Next() % n) == 0; } // //首先求得[0,max_log]的一个随机数,然后求得[0,2^maxlog-1]的一个随机数 // Skewed: pick "base" uniformly from range [0,max_log] and then // return "base" random bits. The effect is to pick a number in the // range [0,2^max_log-1] with exponential bias towards smaller numbers. uint32_tSkewed(int max_log) { return Uniform(1 << Uniform(max_log + 1)); } }; }
Node* Next(int n) { assert(n >= 0); // Use an 'acquire load' so that we observe a fully initialized // version of the returned Node. return next_[n].load(std::memory_order_acquire); } voidSetNext(int n, Node* x) { assert(n >= 0); // Use a 'release store' so that anybody who reads through this // pointer observes a fully initialized version of the inserted node. next_[n].store(x, std::memory_order_release); }
// No-barrier variants that can be safely used in a few locations. Node* NoBarrier_Next(int n) { assert(n >= 0); return next_[n].load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } voidNoBarrier_SetNext(int n, Node* x) { assert(n >= 0); next_[n].store(x, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
template <typename Key, classComparator> void SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Insert(const Key& key) { // TODO(opt): We can use a barrier-free variant of FindGreaterOrEqual() // here since Insert() is externally synchronized. Node* prev[kMaxHeight]; Node* x = FindGreaterOrEqual(key, prev);
// Our data structure does not allow duplicate insertion assert(x == nullptr || !Equal(key, x->key));
int height = RandomHeight(); if (height > GetMaxHeight()) { for (int i = GetMaxHeight(); i < height; i++) { prev[i] = head_; } // It is ok to mutate max_height_ without any synchronization // with concurrent readers. A concurrent reader that observes // the new value of max_height_ will see either the old value of // new level pointers from head_ (nullptr), or a new value set in // the loop below. In the former case the reader will // immediately drop to the next level since nullptr sorts after all // keys. In the latter case the reader will use the new node., std::memory_order_relaxed); }
x = NewNode(key, height); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { // NoBarrier_SetNext() suffices since we will add a barrier when // we publish a pointer to "x" in prev[i]. x->NoBarrier_SetNext(i, prev[i]->NoBarrier_Next(i)); prev[i]->SetNext(i, x); } } template <typename Key, classComparator> typename SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Node* SkipList<Key, Comparator>::NewNode( const Key& key, int height) { char* const node_memory = arena_->AllocateAligned( sizeof(Node) + sizeof(std::atomic<Node*>) * (height - 1)); return new (node_memory) Node(key); }